Online Video
Our video solution is called SolidPitch
Our services range from a simple home page video greeting to complex solution/product presentations featuring motion graphics and 3D animations.
- We help you deliver your key message immediately and in person with a custom video on your home page.
- A custom page by page video guide is the most personal approach.
- Inform your visitors about the features and options you provide by connecting with them through video.
- We help you save time and therefore make more money by creating a so called “powerpoint replacement”. Using your existing slide show, we add a video of your actual speech.
- Stop wasting time and spending on plane tickets and hotel rooms. You will send your audience a link to your new awesome way of spreading your ideas. And even better, they can interact with the presentation.
Your educational materials will become as easy to follow as a documentary or a movie.
- Do you have a great product/solution that requires special attention from the visitors? No worries, we’ll pay special attention too.
With a Full Page Special Feature, we create a mini-site dedicated to showcasing your newest and hottest release.